LOVE AND HIM

We all want love and it’s there for the keeps.  But how do we find it?  And where do we look for it?  Love starts with loving who you are and accepting that your are special and that you can draw that special person to you.  You take that love and give it to someone who not only  is your friend but receives you, but they give it to you unconditionally.  Don’t worry it’s someone out there for everybody as the saying goes, it’s true.

When you love someone you open up freely without hesitating your ways or feelings and they will accept you for who you are and never change you but give you support and encouragement.  Love can stop you at your feet and make you float all the time.  When you meet someone they will make you have butterflies in your stomach and you will feel so much with joy and enlightment.

Dealing with the man you meet is eyecatching because when they meet you they give this stare that just won’t stop and it’s not lust it’s who you are and how they actually start to feel at that moment and they do things like get nervous around you, laugh alot, and they also try to impress you in front of their friends. 

It’s only when you can’t stop thinking of where they are, are they ok and how they feel. You start to change and open up and they bring the best out of you that no one can ever do.  When you find love hold on to it because it’s rare nowadays.  If you ever wonder when you see couples that are young how they are happy and holding hands and never want to part and always want to be around each other, even when they are apart you see why those lovebirds keep it going.   The affection and expression shows anyone can have love that is great.

Sometimes men tend to show their feelings out in the open in different ways than women, they tend to be manly but express it with great gratitude.  One sign of love is he always going out of his way, does he do special things to make you happy even the little things, and another one is when you are around he is always smiling and never stop.

Love is caring, sharing, committment to one another, never jealous or boastful, but always thinking of that person besides yourself.  Love can be challenging in the world we live in but we still can grasp it’s notion that it their and it calls all the time.  Never turn away someone who is nice because that can a future person in your life and especially if they are caring.

Remember sometimes we get one shot at love, but I say that it can be more than that for anyone who wants it.






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